Act II: Penumbra

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Re: Act II: Penumbra

Post by Charon »

"Yeah, right." he scoffs. "Like they're gonna come for me over a single blade. And if they do... well they'll find I ain't so helpless."
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Re: Act II: Penumbra

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"They will when the blade belongs to his family." Nirili replies. "Matrons don't just give those away." She looks at Zandorian "She'll probably send one of those - what do you call them? Driders? Half Drow, half spider?" She looks back at Myles. "That, you won't see coming." She pauses "We're just trying to give you the chance to avoid days, weeks, or even months of pain and torture as the spiders slowly eat away at you until there's nothing left."

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Re: Act II: Penumbra

Post by Charon »

He's still unnerved but also doesn't seem to be buying it.
"Half spiders, hahaha. Nice try, sister."

Off to one side Timidity mumbles something about holding him still while Zandorian kicks his ass.
The dandy is already rolling up his sleeves.
"Perhaps fisticuffs it is." he sighs.

I'm allowing one final shot if you have anything you think might push him over the edge in terms of social manipulation, but the initial effect is beginning to wear off as his confidence starts to return.
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Re: Act II: Penumbra

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Viales scoffs. "I guess words will not sway you. Perhaps actions will, instead."

OOC: Rolling for initiative: 1d20+8

Would you allow a standard action, given this is quite clearly descending into a fight. Either way, he'll be casting Coin Shot on the gold piece and throw it at Myles.
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Re: Act II: Penumbra

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"I don't know why I tried to reason with a bully that's willing to swindle a drunk out of his possessions." She says.

OOC; Would he be distracted enough by the others for her to try to grab the rapier with Sleight of Hand? If so, here's the attempt:
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Re: Act II: Penumbra

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Not with that fucking roll...
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Re: Act II: Penumbra

Post by Charon »

Well, I'm definitely allowing Viales' attack a surprise round as I don't think anyone saw that coming.
However the weaselly man also would see you cast the coin shot, though probably wouldn't understand your intent until the throw begins.
So I'll take your 13 as your initiative and roll his and if he beats you, he manages to shout a warning and Myles will not be considered flat footed.

I got an 11. So his warning is too late. Viales gets his coin shot attack after which we'll enter initiative proper.
10 for Timidity.
18 for Zandorian.

I'll also say that with that low roll, Nirili realises she won't have chance to grab the rapier as Myles reacts to Viales, she's essentially too slow, snatching at air.
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Re: Act II: Penumbra

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Viales aims the gold coin at Myles' throat, hoping he will choke on his words.

Ranged touch attack: 1d20+8(gold coin is counted as masterwork so adds +1)
Damage if hit (Bludgeoning & Piercing): 1d8+2

For the sake of quickness, he will also declare Dodge against Myles.

Edit 30.1: Adding the subsection for future reference:
HP: 30/30
AC: 22 (+1 Dodge against Myles).
Arcane pool: 8/8. Active effect: none.
Spells: None active, X/Y duration.
Last edited by Cmdr Maxwell on Thu Jan 30, 2025 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Act II: Penumbra

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Ok, so Init for Nirili:
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Re: Act II: Penumbra

Post by Charon »

Myles produces a length of chain from his trousers, wrapping one end around a fist, the other end flailing loose. He lashes out at Nirili with the chain.

21 to hit.
18 bludgeoning damage.

The chain lashes out, missing your face, Nirili, but striking hard against your collarbone and leaving a welt on your neck. It was so fast, you barely had time to brace for it, unable to determine where it was going to land. He certainly picked a delicate spot, the throbbing pain spreading along your collarbone. It is your turn.

Combat map:

3D view:
Annotated Grid:
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Re: Act II: Penumbra

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The chain hurt - she wasn't expecting that.

"Can't even use that rapier, can you?" she says.

Nirli steps to E8 (5 foot step), drawing her swords,giving her companions an open shot, and attacks.

Longsword: 1d20+6
Damage, if it hits: 1d8+4
Rapier: 1d20+5
Damage: if it hits: 1d6+1
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Re: Act II: Penumbra

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Crit chance on Rapier: 1d20+5

Nirili status:
HP 31/49
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Re: Act II: Penumbra

Post by Charon »

He's surprisingly light on his feet, Nirili, deftly blocking the first attack with the chain wrapping on his forearm, but the followup gets through his defences. A small wound, but every little counts.

Zandorian is up, if one of you would be so kind.
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Re: Act II: Penumbra

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Zandorian moves up behind Myles (move to G8) with his dagger and attacks.

Dagger attack (includes +2 flanking bonus): 1d20+12
Damage, if it hits: 1d4

ooc: I 'm not up on swashbucklers, let alone in PF. I think I forgot the training bonus, which would apply another +1 to attack/damage, and if I'm reading this correctly, Precise Strike should also apply, adding another 5 points of damage without spending a panache point.
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Re: Act II: Penumbra

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According to his sheet, 17-20 is a chance for a crit:

Crit Chance (includes flanking and weapon training bonus) :1d20+13
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Re: Act II: Penumbra

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Precise Strike would not apply to the double damage, so 15 damage total, I believe. 4+1=5, x2 = 10, +5 = 15

If this doesn't take Myles down, Zandorian will say "Last chance to hand it over."
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Re: Act II: Penumbra

Post by Charon »

I believe I already factored in the training bonus to att but not damage, my bad.
Yes, precise strike applies as long as Zandorian has a panache point and is precision damage so is not multiplied for the crit.
Math checks out, 15 damage, with a dagger.
It doesn't finish him off, but that was a lot of damage and he knows when he's outmatched.

Zandorian moves like lightning as Nirili gets lashed with the chain. He's on Myles' blind side before you can blink, shanking Myles in the side before bringing the knife up to his neck.
"Don't worry, it is not so deep." he says softly.
Myles raises his hands in surrender as Zandorian reaches around, retrieving his rapier.
"This time, there was no poison. But if you cross me again..."
He nicks Myles' neck and shoves him away from you. Myles goes down, clutching at his side, then scrabbles to his feet.
Unless you intervene, he takes a wide circle around the group, towards the quarry and weaselly man runs to help him limp off into the distance.

Zandorian gives Nirili a slight bow.
"My apologies, I did not see the situation deteriorating so rapidly. Are you injured?"
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Re: Act II: Penumbra

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"Nothing I can't handle." Nirili replies. As Myles starts to get up, Nirili says to him "It shouldn't have gotten this far, but you're a stubborn bastard." She calls over to Timidity and says "Can you close up his wound?"
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Re: Act II: Penumbra

Post by Charon »

With a frown Timidity slaps a hand on Myles' shoulder and casts Cure Light Wounds.
She eyeballs him as he limps off.
Zandorian tests out his rapier with some quick flourishes, deftly sheathing it afterwards. He seems quite the swordsman, though Nirili knows, flashy duelling moves don't always cut the mustard in the frenzied killing of close combat.
He flashes her a winning smile.
"It was specifically balanced for my own fair hand. You have my thanks. I am now in your debt. Not just professionally, as your inferior in this mercenary outfit, but personally, as a friend."
Timidity stomps over, baseball bat across her shoulders.
"What an asshole." she mutters, then, "Well, now we're back to full strength. What's the plan?"
"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it to anyone else." - Charles Dickens.

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